1. 5. 2022
Another Milestone in the History of the Czech Gas Industry – a New Biomethane Plant Will Be Built in Litomyšl.
The general contractor is HUTIRA – BRNO in cooperation with HUTIRA green gas.
Natural gas, which has a really wide use in the Czech Republic, does not have to come only from underground reservoirs in Russia or in northern Europe. We can make it ourselves and, what’s more, from raw materials that are considered by many to be worthless waste – from manure, biowaste or sewage sludge. We have the technology for that, now we need to expand it wherever it makes sense – the EU comes to our aid with its subsidies.
One of the first facilities for the production of biomethane and its injection into the gas distribution network will be established at Zemědělské družstvo chovatelů a pěstitelů Litomyšl. Biogas, which is produced by processing cow manure and agricultural crops, has so far been used for combined heat and power (CHP). It will now be adjusted to natural gas quality with special technology and delivered to the gas distribution network. This should ensure greater efficiency in the use of biogas energy.
“The HUTIRA brand has decided to gradually transform its business towards greater sustainability. We take the contract for the complete delivery of biomethane production technology to Zemědělské družstvo chovatelů a pěstitelů Litomyšl as confirmation that we have made the right decision. Investing in sustainability is a great opportunity for companies, not a threat,” said Monika Zitterbartová, Executive Director of HUTIRA green gas.
The entire contract, worth more than 50 million CZK, will consist of a unit to convert biogas to natural gas quality, a unit to inject biomethane and transport it through the extraction pipeline to the high-pressure pipeline and a CNG filling station. It is estimated that 30,600,000 Nm3 of produced biogas should be processed in 10 years of operation. That is about 3 million cubic metres of biogas per year, which means the production of 1.7 million cubic metres of biomethane per year.
The project entitled “Innovation of the Biogas Station at Zemědělské družstvo chovatelů a pěstitelů Litomyšl” is co-financed by subsidies from the European Union and the Ministry of Industry and Trade under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness under the Low-Carbon Technologies – Call IV. – Converting biogas to biomethane and injecting it into the network.
Photo source: INCIEN